The estate of William McElcheran
The Over Life Sized
The over life sized monumental "Businessman" became a favourite motif of William McElcheran's work and it enabled him to explore the theme of the modern day "non-hero" in public spaces. Bill explored accessible themes while executing them with a sophisticated mastery; he found the exact form and gesture that made the common monumental. He created compositions that resonate with the everyday passersby as well as for those with a more "in-depth" knowledge of art. Bill's sculptures of "Everyman" have become the favourite of everyone, as people actively engage with his public sculptures and take photos of themselves with them. William McElcheran's work epitomizes the best of what public art can be.
"Introibo Ad Altare Dei"
"I Go To The Altar of God"
When William McElcheran chose the title of this work, he created an additional layer of meaning that many observers may not be aware of. Drawing on his knowledge of religious themes, that have framed so much of the collective unconsciousness of western society, McElcheran presented a commentary on who we choose as our gods today; to whom do we worship and to what are we willing to devote ourselves.
Endangered Species
The life sized sculptures seen above were all cast in bronze during William McElcheran's life time. Just prior to his passing, McElcheran completed his last group of over life sized figures and they were ready to be cast in bronze. In 1998, these plaster originals were exhibited in an one-man show in Milan, Italy. The images here are taken from the catalogue.
These five figures in bronze are available either as a group or as individual figures.
by William McElcheran, October 7, 1998
Eyes shifting, watching for movement, nose sniffing for traces,
Ears attentive for sounds above or below the buzz of the city,
watching, smelling, listening, prey and predator.
Calculating, (no time for contemplation), basking, bronzing at
appointed times - but reachable.
Aiming to more than survive, fracturing infinitives and anything
else that impedes or endangers.
Non-hero, non-poet, non philosopher, endangering and endangered
- in our millions.